Brittany + Trey | THE WHITE HOME | Rock Hill, South Carolina | Charlotte Wedding Photography

If you've heard this story once, you've heard it a hundred times, so I'll spare us all and tell the short version. 

I met Trey during what I now refer to as my "quarter-life crisis." I was like a lost little puppy out in the world trying to recalculate my mental GPS and figure out where and who I wanted to be. Trey and I immediately became friends and he's since been like a big brother to me, always giving me hell, fussing at me and even brawling at times. But for that, he's made me a much better and smarter person. I really don't know where I'd be without him right now. I mean, he quite literally put a roof over my head. 

I remember being nervous to meet Brittany. Trey always spoke so highly of her and I already knew so much about her, it definitely would have creeped her out. Someone probably should have told me, "If you thought Trey was cool, just wait until you meet Brittany." Because damn. From some of the very first texts we ever exchanged I felt like I knew this girl my entire life. We must have been kin in a past life. There's not many people in the world you feel you can be your true self around. I am eternally grateful for our friendship and our ever-growing advocacy for all animal life. We're going to rule the animal kingdom one day. 

Photographing their wedding day has been nothing short of an honor. Call it blessed, call it luck, maybe it's fortune, whatever it may be, I feel it having met these two and calling them forever friends. 

See the whole gallery from the Conrad Wedding here.